
This page is going to be a record of my current week of marathon training and cross-training exercises. I hope this inspires ya'll to go run a marathon! Enjoy! :)

Mon: bootcamp (aka: cross-training, I work out with some of my friends for an hour)
Tues: 4 miles, 5 minutes uphill
Wed: bootcamp
Thurs: 1 hour run
Fri: bootcamp
Sat: 4 miles
Sun: 6 miles

This week may look sort of wimpy considering a marathon is 26.2 miles but it's all about building up slowly and strongly. Your body can only handle so much pressure and if you push it too soon too fast then you'll just end up with injuries or worse.

So I'm running a marathon this fall. I need to raise over $400 for this charity to sponsor me (I was slightly busy with school and missed the registration deadline, hehe). This is going to be a challenge for a poor college kid like me but it'll be a good experience. I have this cool app on my phone that counts down to any day you want and there is exactly 29.5 weeks, 206.5 days, 4,957 hours, 297,451 minutes, and 17,847,102 seconds. not that I'm keeping track or anything. lol.


Burpies. Boy do I love burpies.... (that was sarcasm in case you didn't pick up on that). So these are a great all over body workout for when you're in a rush and only have about 15ish minutes or so. You're going to do this at a pretty fast pace so you'll need a wide open space for this. Start by standing, then go down into pushup position, do a pushup. Kick your legs out the side, then back to a normal pushup position, and then jump back up into a standing position and then JUMP.

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